Thursday, July 2, 2009


Who knows exactly who is checking this now that we are officially hitched, but I figure, if there's anyone out there....well, you might be interested in seeing pictures. Right?

Well, then go here and enjoy :)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Whitewater Reception

For all of our whitewater friends:

Please join us on Sunday, June 14th for a Staircase + Main Payette run. We will meet at 1:00 at Banks. We will have several guests with us that would also like to ride, so if you have an extra seat and PFD and would like a passenger, please bring it. Some of us will run Staircase, and some will join in at Banks.

Leave a comment below if you can come and let us know if you want a passenger or two. We may already have enough space for passengers in the McDannel flotilla.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Hotel Accommodations

For those of you who have not reserved a room at the Harrison Plaza Suites and still intend to do so, be sure to refer to our wedding rate of $79. Even though they have cancelled the remaining rooms, they will still honor our group rate.

On another note, my mom, Alana, and I got together on Sunday and finished up some final details for the reception. We're in the home stretch now - just 9 days to the wedding and 11 to the party! It's raining here this week, so think positive, non-rainy thoughts for the 13th, so we can all enjoy the sunshine in the backyard!

Now, on yet a different note, some folks are arriving early on Friday and Saturday and are looking for some fun stuff to do. I'll be taking a little time out of my lunch break over the next few days to put together a map of the area and some fun stuff we like to do. Expect that post by the end of the week.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Slight panic!

We went to get our marriage license yesterday! I was quite excited about it on my drive home yesterday after work and was reading through it at a stop light when I read something that sent me into a panic. The part where the officient writes her name, title, etc. states something like this: "I, _________, a (pastor) residing in the city of ___, in the County of _______, in the State of Idaho...."

WHAT?! Our officient lives in Indiana. Yep, I flew into panic mode. Then irritated mode. Then I-must-research-to-be-sure-this-is-ok mode. The Recorders office was closed.

I called this morning and got it all straightened out: the officient just needs to CROSS OUT "Idaho" and write in the proper state. SERIOUSLY?!

Oh well, panic mode is gone....for now!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Bridal Shower

I had three stipulations when my sister, Alana, said she wanted to throw me a bridal shower:

1) It cannot be lame
2) No lingerie
3) No stupid games

She did pretty damn well. Who knew I needed to have so much Pampered Chef stuff?! Woot! I was going to wait to post this until after I got some photos, but I haven't received any and it's we're coming up on a week of me being showered with gifts.

Thanks to everyone who came and enjoyed the sangria!